RRV Index >
Vehicles List >
Vehicle Details (Vehicle ID 13759)
Main details
Registration |
Type |
Function |
Licence On |
Licence Off |
GRC852V |
Bedford CFL Minibus |
S & T |
c.07/1980 |
User/s: |
British Railways (? - ?)
Fleetnumber/s: |
Livery: |
Allocation/s: |
Leicester, Tyseley |
Additional information: |
Information sources: |
There are no photographs of this vehicle on this website.
Photo links
There are no links to photographs of this vehicle.
There are no sightings of this vehicle.
Text |
Added |
By |
Action/s |
Vehicle was based at TYSELEY by 1980 when I used it with Tyseley S&T Electrical Installation Gang. It remained at Tyseley thereafter until being scrapped. |
04/07/2022, 09:54 |
PThompson |
Data History
Added: |
15/12/2021, 20:07 |
Added by: |
Thomas Young |
Edits ?This section shows any changes that have been made to the database record for this vehicle. Unless you are logged-in as an Editor or Admin, only Edits marked as Public will be shown (i.e. not Private Edits).
Date |
Edited by |
Change |
Private |
Actions |
08/07/2022, 23:02 |
Merfyn Jones |
New information |
N |