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With very little official information forthcoming, a lot of what I put on this site is based on observations, deductions and a dose of guesswork. But these next three pictures have me stumped. The first subject is a Toyota Prius car parked in the yard at Stratford Station, photographed from the DLR platforms on 10th January 2011. As can be seen it carries a white livery relieved only by modest purple-ringed roundels lettered as 'TAXI - PRIVATE HIRE'. This was one of five such cars seen on delivery at Acton Works in December 2010. We weren't sure to what use they would be put but we certainly didn't expect them to turn up at LUL locations, or for that matter...
Photo ID: 3316
Photo date: 10/01/2011 Size: Regular. An extra large copy of this photo is available.
Date added: 19/01/2011
Note added Sat 22/01/2011 by Kim Rennie

At a guess I would assume it's something to do with the station redevelopment and the taxi rank near where the NatEx coaches stop.
Note added Sat 22/01/2011 by Ray

Perhaps this has something to do with the introduction of these cars: although the one at Eltham is apparently on trial with the bus station manager.